Summary of Innovation

Handling bulky, irregularly shaped items like furniture and sports equipment has been a nagging challenge without a strong solution. Manual processes require lifting and twisting are unappealing, but these items are incompatible with automated infrastructure like sorters and conveyor. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) from MHS bring the benefits of automated material handling to these irregular items. It combines a robotic arm and gripper with an AMR to pick up a wide range of item sizes and shapes to load itself – completely avoiding the need for manual lifting and twisting. It then uses AI mapping to understand its location and surrounding environment to navigate the most efficient path to its destination.

Innovation Statement

AMR solutions have been capable of supporting and moving large payloads and strangely shaped items, but have still required employees to lift and position heavy items on to the carrying surface. The MHS AMR for irregular items eliminates this manual step with a robotic arm and end effector capable of lifting and positioning a wide ranges of item shapes, sizes and weights.


For furniture, sports equipment, home improvement or even parcel operations, irregular, non-conveyable items are a consistent challenge to handle with automation, forcing reliance on a shrinking, turnover-prone labor pool.


Posted Date2/17/21
ContactLauren Pedley
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CategoryBest Innovation of an Existing Product

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Submitted by Material Handling Systems Inc. (MHS).

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